Saturday, September 17, 2016

Houston Firefighters Pension Fund Declared Constitutional by the 14th Court of Appeals

The 14th Court of Appeals has upheld the constitutionality of the Houston Firefighters pension fund.

This is a setback for lowering the pension fund but although not wise, this pension funding system does not seem to violate the United States Constitution. The Texas law, allows the Houston Firefighters union to determine their own contribution levels. I believe the taxpayers funding this pension fund are the ones who should be determining how much money is allocated. Although, this is unwise policy, we should not change it through the courts. We should elect officials to the Texas Legislature who will assume responsibility to change this policy.

The firefighter’s union determining their own contribution levels could destroy Houston’s budget and the policy should change.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, we need representatives to change this policy. Taxpayers should have a say in determining the amount.
