Thursday, October 2, 2014

Texas Voter ID Proposal

There has been a lot of commotion surrounding Texas new Voter ID Laws. I believe that the effect of Voter ID Laws, is more efficient elections and not voter discrimination. However, there is one key to the Texas Voter ID law that I would like to attach to the law.

Texas should distribute The Texas Election Identification Certificate at every school in Texas. Voter Fraud is a problem and we should always try to solve a problem. It may not be a big problem but it should be solved none the less. Voter ID is simple and does not discriminate, however the best way to fully prevent discrimination is to make sure that every Texas resident has photo ID.

Photo ID in Texas is currently available at every DPS Station. I propose that we allow Texans to get their Texas Election Identification Certificate at any school in Texas. Every Texan has access to a nearby school. This would allow every Texan easy access to voting rights.

I believe this unique and original idea needs to happen soon in Texas. I hope this blog can help spread the word about this original idea.