METRO has proposed converting some lanes along Post Oak
Boulevard to be buses only.
Although, I support bus lanes in some cases, I do not
support bus lanes down Post Oak Boulevard. The decision, is between more lanes
for cars or more lanes for public transportation. Post Oak currently has larger
vehicular traffic than public transportation or pedestrian traffic. I support
bus lanes down streets that have a large amount of pedestrian or public
transportation traffic.
Downtown already has a lot of bus lanes and deserves them as
there are mostly pedestrian and public transportation traffic downtown. Uptown/Post
Oak does not have as much pedestrian or public transportation traffic. On the
day Uptown does have large amounts of public transportation traffic, it would
warrant bus lanes to help relieve congestion. The issue here is whether to
favor vehicular traffic or pedestrian/public transportation traffic. At this
point, for Post Oak, we need to favor vehicular traffic as that is where the traffic
demand currently is, for that road.
Feel for those people who have to live/drive in that area. If it's already heavy traffic, this will not help to ease the congestion.