Five months into his first Mayoral term, Sylvester Turner
has shown a pattern of not displaying transparency during his time as Mayor.
I believe that the issue of transparency is starting to
haunt Sylvester Turner’s time as Mayor. Soon after becoming Mayor, Sylvester
Turner was under fire when he approved plans to renovate the entranceway into
Hermann Park, including renovating the landmark Mecom Fountain. The head of the
Hermann Park Conservancy, knew nothing about the project until she saw construction
beginning when she passed by The Mecom Fountain. Although the project was not
Sylvester Turner’s idea, he approved it without making this project public. Recently,
the Houston Chronicle published an article, investigating Mayor Sylvester Turner’s
secrecy in nominating a new police chief.
Transparency is becoming an issue in the way Mayor Sylvester
Turner operates and I hope he changes his ways soon.
He does need to be more transparent. It will help him in the long run!