Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Houston turns 180 years old.

On August 28th, 2016, Houston turned 180 years old. Houston has gone from a small real estate prospect, to the 4th largest city in the United States of America.

Houston was founded by the Allen brothers, who founded the city on the convergence of the Buffalo and White Oak Bayous. Houston was always designed to be a big city.

On August 28th, 2016 a party was held at Sam Houston Park downtown, the oldest park in the city. Mayor Sylvester Turner was there and said that “From 1836 to where we are today, Houston was come a long way.” I am proud of Houston; it has come a long way from the small town it once was.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Texas Students Protest Campus Carry Law

On August 1st, 2016, Texas new “Campus Carry Law”, went into effect. The law allows concealed carry of guns on Texas Campuses. However, at The University of Texas at Austin, students are protesting the law, by illegally displaying sex toys in public.

I find that public nudity is more offensive than the display of a gun.

The law in place, does not allow one to publicly display their gun. Therefore, if there is a shooter situation, the assailant, will be easily identifiable, by the public display of their weapon. Therefore, this gives an armed student, the opportunity, to distinguish that they are in a shooter situation and use their weapon to defend themselves and others.

Texas also has a decency law which prohibits the public display of sex toys. I find this law to be reasonable. I find it to be the same thing as public nudity, which is inappropriate for children to see.

The message the protesters are communicating is that The State of Texas is hypocritical to allow guns on campus but not the public display of sex toys. As I have just described, that point is not logical.

Public nudity is more offensive than the carrying of a weapon.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Houston to Clean Up Abandoned Shopping Carts

The City of Houston is looking at a proposal to handle the problem of abandoned shopping carts. I think it is a great idea. The program is already in place in City Council District J and was created and implemented by City Council District J Councilman Mike Laster. That same city council member will propose the program to be implemented city wide. Although the proposal will cost $1 Million Dollars, there will be a retrieval fee, which will be charged to the store, when they retrieve their shopping cart, which was picked up, usually by dump trucks. Although there is an aesthetical issue, there is also a functional issue as well, as many abandoned shopping carts clog drains and cause flooding. Another issue is homeless people who use shopping carts to transport their supplies, however, the city is going to give them alternate shopping carts that they can use. The program is interesting and good for Houston.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Houston Second Most Affordable City to Vacation to.

Trip Advisor has released a report stating that Houston, TX is the second most affordable city in America to vacation to. The report cements Houston as being a cheap city to vacation to.  The study looked into the cost for two people to get a three-day stay at a four-star hotel, a visit to three attractions, an Uber or taxi ride to and from dinner and the cost of lunch and dinner. Houston was the second most affordable city in the country, while New Orleans was the most affordable. More good news for Houston.