Sunday, December 21, 2014

Urban Land Institute Recommendations For The Houston Astrodome

On Friday, December, 19th, a panel by the Urban Land Institute, made recommendations, for the future of The World’s First Domed Stadium, The Houston Astrodome. I feel like their proposal was one of the best ideas for The Houston Astrodome since prospects for a different use of the structure began in 2002. Over the years, proposals have come for a luxury hotel, movie studio and a convention center. The closest we have come to determining the function of The Astrodome, was a 2013 bond proposal to turn The Astrodome into a convention center. That proposal was voted down.

From the beginning of this saga, I have always wanted The Astrodome to be converted into some form of an indoor theme park. On Friday, December 19th, my proposal was given a serious boost. Members of The Urban Land institute, made up by some of the best urban planners in America, have suggested an indoor park for The Astrodome, The World’s First Domed Stadium.

I could not be happier about this proposal. The Astrodome is one of my favorite buildings. It appears much better in real life than in pictures. It has a very “space age” look to it. Now that The Urban Land Institute has made its suggestions, the next step is to make this proposal happen. I will be watching closely and doing what I can to make it happen. I hope you will too and you can expect more blogs on the subject on the way in the coming months.